
A Con and Its Money Are Soon Parted

For your fiscal delectation, herewith is presented the post-con financial report for Narrativity 2023.

For those who prefer not to see how the sausage is made, may we suggest Pachelbel’s Chicken?

The short version: We’re doing pretty well, mostly due to the astounding generosity of donations. Whether you chipped in a little or a lot, thank you. We couldn’t have made this happen without you.

For comparison, previous years’ reports can be found here:   2019   2021   2022

We had 70 memberships and approximately 58 warm bodies. That’s a big jump from last year, for which a big thank you goes out to all the folks who helped spread the word about our little con. Way to go, everybody!

2023 Financial Report Pie Charts

Starting Balance: $538.49
Memberships $3,120.00
Workshop Fees 900.00
Donations (all sources) $853.65
Other Income
Total Revenue $4,873.65
Hotel $3,243.53
Workshop $540.57
PayPal fees $189.70
Consuite (durable goods)
Consuite (consumables) (donated in kind)
Printing $162.08
Meeting Supplies – badgeholders, etc.
Meeting Supplies – other $7.90
Covid supplies 61.72
Website $175.83
Admin – legal & gov’t. $35.00
Admin – other $14.94
Total Expenditures $4,431.27
Net $442.38
Recapture of non-cash expenses $168.00
Current Balance: $1,148.87

Looks like we’re on a roll; let’s keep it rolling! Narrativity 2024 registration will be opening soon; make sure you stay informed, and tell your friends to do the same. Be seeing you!

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