What We’re About

Narrativity is a place for writers. And readers. And process geeks. And people who like figuring out how other people’s brains work. We want there to be better stories, and we want YOU to be part of making that happen!

To that end, we are here to explore how to write better and read better, to examine what “better” means in the context of fiction, and to celebrate the best of Story. We have a particular focus on fantasy (which includes science fiction, for our purposes), but we are open to writers, readers, and stories from any genre. And any culture, and any source. We want new ideas and different perspectives, no matter where they’re from!

Narrativity believes that the free exchange of ideas is vital to making good art, and to humanity in general. We enjoy a good debate, and courteous discussion will not be censored.

Discourteous behavior, however, is right out. We believe in free speech, and we understand that passionate interests breed passionate expression; that’s no reason to treat others with anything less than consideration and respect. Play nice; don’t be a jerk.

If you have concerns about personal safety, accessibility, dietary restrictions, or any other practical issues that need to be addressed, please let us know. We want everyone at Narrativity to have a good time; if there’s something preventing you from doing that, we want to hear about it.

Most of all, we want everyone to come out of this weekend feeling inspired, excited — and exhausted from having so much fun! So let’s shake up each other’s brains, challenge each other’s assumptions, share our knowledge, and see what amazing new worlds we can build together.

Any questions? Contact us!