
Proof of Vaccination REQUIRED

Okay, folks, we’ve snapped. We didn’t want to do this because of the paperwork hassles involved, but after much deliberation, we’ve decided that there’s no use in having a rule if we don’t enforce it. Therefore:

***Proof of vaccination against Covid-19 will be REQUIRED for admittance to Narrativity 2021.***

We’re not kidding here. You will have to show picture ID and your vaccination card or equivalent at Registration, or you won’t be given a badge. “I forgot” or “I lost my card” won’t cut it, so please don’t even try.

Photocopies, cell phone pics, etc. are admissible provided that they are clearly readable and unaltered. (You can redact your social security number if it’s on there, but that’s it.) You can also email a clearly readable photo of your vax card to the registration address at narrativity.fun before the convention, if that’s easier for you. (Though we do recommend still having the physical copy with you, just in case.)

(If you are medically prohibited from receiving Covid vaccination, you will need to show a doctor’s note or equivalent to that effect. Attendance at Narrativity is entirely at your own risk. You will need to wear a mask in all public indoor spaces for the protection of other attendees.)

We’re sorry this is necessary, but the only way we can safely have the con under the current circumstances is if EVERYBODY in attendance is fully vaccinated. And it’s become clear that the only way we can ensure that everybody is vaccinated is if we firmly enforce it.

No vax, no admittance. Get your shots and bring your cards, folks.

-Liz Vogel, Steven Brust, & Emma Bull
Board of Directors, Narrativity

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