
Covid-19 and Narrativity 2021

Updated 8/12/21: Well, the situation has changed. Proof of vaccination is now REQUIRED for admittance to Narrativity 2021. Read more here. Also, please note that correctly-worn masks will be required in all indoor convention spaces.

We’ll have masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes available for folks who need them. And our function space is pretty roomy, so we’ll be able to be social at a reasonable distance.

It’ll still be a fun weekend, just with a few extra precautions!

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Updated 7/12/21: Currently there are no Covid-related restrictions on gathering sizes, so we should be able to go ahead with a “full-size” Narrativity in September. (The soft cap for membership is 100 people.) We’ll keep an eye on the situation and let you know if anything changes.

CDC guidelines indicate that fully vaccinated people may safely gather indoors without masks or social distancing. (Of course you can still wear a mask if you’re more comfortable doing so.)

Our guiding principle of “play nice; don’t be a jerk” definitely includes “don’t breathe plague on your fellow attendees”, so please be sure to get your Covid shot(s) at least two weeks before the convention, if you haven’t already (unless you are medically unable to). We realize that’s more easily done in some locations than in others, and we sympathize with those folks who are struggling to get access to vaccines. But if you’re coming to Narrativity, we want you to be fully vaccinated — for everyone else’s sake as well as your own.

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When the pandemic forced us to cancel Narrativity 2020, we automatically rolled over all existing membership to 2021’s convention.

We’re cautiously optimistic that we’ll be able to hold Narrativity this year, September 4-6, 2021. We’ve got many months yet, and that should be enough time for vaccines to be produced and distributed, and for life to at least start getting back toward normal. We are going ahead on the assumption that we’ll all be able to get together for a safe and fun weekend of talking story and hanging out with fellow enthusiasts.

However, if the past year has taught us anything, it’s that trying to predict the future is a dice roll at best. We want you to know that if things go poorly and Covid isn’t properly subdued in time, and we have to postpone Narrativity again, we will once again roll over all existing memberships to the following year’s con. (Memberships are normally non-refundable, but if having the cost of a membership tied up for an extra year creates a financial burden for you, let us know and we’ll work something out.) We’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation as September draws near, and we’ll communicate any decisions regarding the convention’s status as soon as we make ’em.

So if you’re thinking about registering but are understandably uncertain about Covid and cons, please know that we’ve got your back on this. Hopefully this will all be moot, and we’ll see each other — in person! with real, live people, in the same space! — in September!

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