
Win A Free Membership!

Want to win a free membership to Narrativity 2021, for yourself or a friend? Here’s how:

First, help promote the con on any social media. Like the Facebook page or join the group. Tweet/retweet. Subscribe to the website. Post about it on your blog, journal, or forums. Pretty much anything that helps get the word out about Narrativity counts!

Then, email Sara Diedrich at giveaway AT narrativity DOT fun and tell her which ones you’ve done. For each one, you’ll get one entry in the drawing for a free membership!

Deadline for entry is midnight (Central time) on May 13th.

Also, just a note that we’ve extended the current membership price to May 31st. So you can play along and still have the opportunity to buy a membership at the current low price of $42!

See you ’round the intarwebs, folks!

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