
Narrativity 2022 Resources & Quotes

Storytelling Resources and References:
Azgaard Fantasy Maps
Overly Sarcastic Productions – YouTube Trope Talks
Blaze Ward Presents – Open Anthology Call
     After the Fall – accepting subs until 6/30/22
Brandon Sanderson’s Character Slider model
Actors talking about creating characters:
          Inside the Actor’s Studio
          actor’s commentary on the Lord of the Rings DVDs
          documentaries on Kids In The Hall
acting technique: Sense Memory
Script Notes podcast
Wonderdraft – map making program
BookTriggerWarnings.com – reader tool
372 Pages We Will Never Get Back podcast
pcwrede.com – Patricia C. Wrede’s blog for writing advice

Opening line I can’t use, but maybe you can:
I once spent a weekend babysitting a kilo of cocaine in Colfax.
No shit, there I wasn’t….

Heard at Narrativity:
“Narrativity: Home of bad segues.” –Emma Bull
“What happens at Narrativity builds better books.”
“Why is it fuzzy?”
“Plot cookie!”
“The universe has a way of handing out cats.”
“I can’t speak to the shrimp or the sperm.”
“Write what you know, but remember you know dragons.” –quoting Ursula K. LeGuin
“When the water is clear, you see the bottom.
When the water is dirty, you see yourself.” –Chris W. quoting Orca
“Pacing is the strategy; tempo is the tactics.” –Steven Brust & Tyler Tork
“Art is the goal. Entertainment is the means.” –Steven Brust
“The point of art is not to save the world, but to make the world worth saving.” –Steven Brust
“Give the people the essence of what they want in a way they could not have expected.” –Liz Vogel
“Ask the person giving you advice, under what circumstances it would be appropriate to ignore the advice. If they can’t tell you, don’t follow that advice.” –Sweth Chadramouli

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